The Relief Society decided to celebrate the Relief Society's birthday by having a Fashion Show. They wanted to showcase casual and Sunday outfits that were appropriate and modest. Our first counselor in the Mission Presidency, Elder (Dr.) Santos and his wife gave wonderful talks. Elder Barrus and I were asked to model Jeans! Top photo: Everyone who participated in the show. (2) Elder Barrus on the runway, he said Brazil is the only place in the world he would have done this! (3) Our Relief Society President, Gloria, modeling Going to Relief Society attire, her accessory is a patchwork tote bag that I made for her. (4) This young man is Diego He was one of the very first people we visited when we arrived in Tatui. We invited him to return to Church. He said he would but his mother wouldn't. But, the very next Sunday, they were both there and have been there every Sunday since. Diego had had gages in his ears and took them out when he started attending Church regularly. What a handsome young man! (5) Elder and Sister Barrus on the runway, who would have thunk it!
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